These 5 Summertime Shaving Tips Will Make You A Better Person
Posted by Allen Crawley on

5 Shaving Tips To Keep Your Face Looking Good This Summer
Gentlemen, we're in the midst of a hot summer. And, as much as you may love being outside and soaking up the warm sun, you’ve got some skin that needs to be taken care of, first.
You see, summer brings a few things your face could do without – like spending all day roasting in the sun, and sweating profusely. These two things alone can lead to clogged pores, dry skin, and irritation - none of which are enjoyable.
Yet, there is hope for your face this summer. Read on as we give you five tried and true tips to keep your skin looking and feeling its best all season-long.
1. Shower Or Soak before You Shave
You probably already do this, but it’s worth mentioning. When your facial hair is hydrated with warm water, it’s easier to shave. But, showering or soaking before shaving can also be too much of a good thing. Don’t shower or soak past the 15-minute-mark as your skin may swell and wrinkle, making it hard to get a smooth shave - and easier to get nicks and razor burn.
2. Wash Your Face With Soap – But Rinse Well
Eliminating sweat and oils from your face with an appropriate soap is key to getting a good shave. Sometimes, residue from certain soaps can leave buildup between your razor blades, causing you to spend more time rinsing your razor than actually shaving. Using a scrub like our Bay Rum Pre-Shave Face Scrub not only softens your whiskers to make it easier to shave, but it will also rid you face of gunk (impurities, dirt, excess oils, etc.) Your summer time is critical – spend it splashing in the water and playing in the sun - not rinsing your razor in frustration.
3. Lather Up with a Quality Shave Brush
Don't rely on using your fingers to place the cream or gel on your face. A shave brush will exfoliate the skin, lift your whiskers and give you a most enjoyable shave. We suggest using a shave bowl or mug to work up your soap or cream into a rich lather before applying to your face. Our Kohana Shave Cream is an excellent cream that's full of highly effective natural and organic soothers, moisturizers and anti-oxidants. Give it a try.
4. Chose A Razor With Plenty Of Maneuverability
Each face is different. We all have our own unique set of curves to shave and nobody knows those curves better than you. Areas like your chin and jaw-line need a razor and handle that react quickly and smoothly to this kind of varied terrain. Find a combo that puts you in complete control of your razor for a steady, comfortable shave each and every time. While I am not a fan of multi-blade cartridge razors (I only use a double-edge safety razor) you may very well find one that suits you perfectly.
5. Don’t Just Moisturize…HYDRATE!
Yes, you need to moisturize your skin from the outside-in with moisturizer, but you also need to be hydrating from the inside-out – that means drinking plenty of water – around 2.2L per day (or more) for the average dude. It’s one of the cheapest "beauty" secrets out there to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy - and nobody will shame you for drinking water. So, drink up! On the moisturizing side, find something unscented with a natural moisturizer like Shea butter or vitamin E. Our Kohana Unscented Post Shave Moisturizer is a great place to start.
There you have it – five easy shaving tips to keep your face looking its best this summer. If you need any advice on how to make this summer a great one for your skin – especially your face, let us know.
6. Bonus Tip:
Use products that are Phthalate-free as they have been shown to prematurely kill cells in your testicles. Read more here.
I am the prodigal child,I left home at 17 to join the USMC, I only went home for funerals. I started straight razor shaving at about 21 yrs old. My father who passed when I was but 6yrs old was a police officer,my eldest sisters would always tell me how my dad had a scent about him that bespoke manliness. I recently attended my mother’s funeral,now 40 my sisters both commented on how well I looked and that I had this air of manliness about me like my father did,my aunt spoke up at the dinner table that of course I was manly “hell he even smells like his father” afterwards my 2 eldest brothers came to ask what and where did I find dad’s colonge.I am a customer for life. I’ve even sent a bottle of no#28 to my nephew who is serving in the Marine Corps. Thats my story,hope it serves you well.GCF