Common Chemicals in Your Aftershave is Killing Your Man Parts.
Posted by Allen Crawley on

Could it be true that many popular and well-known personal care products on the market today contain chemicals so harmful they prematurely kill off cells in your testicles?
You bet it is!
It’s not just aftershave that contain these nasty chemicals. They can actually be found in many shave soaps, shave creams, aftershave lotions and balms, pre-shave oils, cologne, perfume, soaps, shampoos and many other grooming and personal care products.
While it is normal and healthy for 50 billion cells to die in our body every single day, studies have shown that chemicals called phthalates (similar in structure to natural sex hormones, thereby interfering with their normal functions) can trigger a “death-inducing signal” in testicular cells, making them die earlier than they should.
That's right. Premature and unhealthy cell death in your manly parts.
What exactly are these toxic chemicals called Phthalates?
They are one group of endocrine-disrupting chemicals used to make plastics like polyvinyl chloride (PVC) more flexible and resilient. They're one of the most pervasive of the endocrine disrupters and a new study has linked them to lower testosterone levels.
As if that isn't enough. Take a look at what else these toxins we are exposed to everyday are linked to:
- erectile dysfunction
- hormone changes
- lower sperm count
- less mobile sperm
- birth defects in the male reproductive system
- depression
- increased risk of heart disease
- obesity
- diabetes
- thyroid irregularities
- decreased sex drive
Phthalates are so harmful and dangerous the World Health Organization (WHO) released a report which suggested that banning endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may actually be needed in order to protect the health of future generations. According to the report:
“The diverse systems affected by endocrine-disrupting chemicals likely include all hormonal systems and range from those controlling development and function of reproductive organs to the tissues and organs regulating metabolism and satiety.
Effects on these systems can lead to obesity, infertility or reduced fertility, learning and memory difficulties, adult-onset diabetes or cardiovascular disease, as well as a variety of other diseases."
How to Reduce Your Risks
You can avoid the inherent risks of Phthalates by eliminating the use of personal care products that contains these harmful chemicals. These include pre-shave oils, pre-shave soaps, shave soaps and creams, aftershave lotions, balms and splashes, body wash, soap, shampoo, cologne, body sprays, etc. Read the labels and only use Phthalate-free products.
Be warned... also avoid products that simply list “fragrance” as an ingredient. “Fragrance” is a catch-all term that sometimes means hidden phthalates.
It's not enough that the product is Phthalate-free. Be sure to also check that the product bottles, tubes or jars do not contains these chemicals as they may leech from the containers into the product itself.
How does Barberry Coast Shave Co. Products Stack Up?
Rest assured that all products by Barberry Coast Shave Co. are Phthalate-free as are all containers, bottles, tubes and jars. We look after our customers by crafting premium, all-natural products and high-end packaging free from toxic chemicals.
Browse our selection of products here.
You Can Raise Your Testosterone Levels Naturally
Concerned you may have low testosterone? You may be able to raise your T levels naturally without therapy.
From Dr. Mercola at
"If you’re concerned that your testosterone levels are low, due to chemical exposures or otherwise, please think carefully before considering testosterone therapy. There are studies showing that testosterone therapy can be quite helpful and beneficial, but that's in men who actually have very low testosterone. Lacking energy and sex drive does not automatically mean you have severe testosterone deficiency warranting taking this hormone. Much of the widespread "low T" advertising is merely a PR strategy to sell an expensive treatment. In 2012, prescription testosterone gels generated over $2 billion in US sales.
Abbott Laboratories alone spent $80 million on seductive direct-to-consumer advertising for its testosterone product AndroGel that same year. Your dropping energy levels may be an indication of low testosterone… or they could be an indication that you're eating too much processed food. Perhaps you're not exercising enough, or failing to address chronic stress or lack of sleep. All of these are critical factors not only in your overall health, but also in your hormonal health, the latter of which your body has an ability to optimize naturally, even as you age. For instance, testosterone (and human growth hormone, or HGH) are boosted in response to short, high-intensity exercises. I personally do not take any hormone or prohormone supplements.Instead, I've been doing Peak Exercises for more than four years, and now, in my late 50s, my testosterone and HGH levels are still in the normal ranges for a young adult male without the aid of ANY prescriptions, hormones, and hormone precursor supplements. Weight training will also have a beneficial impact on your testosterone levels. When you use strength training for this purpose, you'll want to increase the weight and lower your number of reps. Focus on doing exercises that work a wider number of muscles, such as squats or dead lifts. You can take your workout to the next level by learning the principles of Super-Slow Weight Training.
Whole body vibration training using a Power Plate is yet another effective ancillary method. While high intensity exercise is perhaps the most effective strategy to raise your testosterone levels, your diet also plays a critical role. First of all, if you're overweight, research shows that simply shedding the excess pounds may increase your testosterone levels.7 Testosterone levels also decrease after you eat sugar. This is likely because sugar and fructose raise your insulin level, which is another factor leading to low testosterone. Ideally, keep your total fructose consumption below 25 grams per day.
If you have insulin resistance and are overweight, have high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol, you'd be well advised to keep it under 15 grams per day. I've detailed a step-by-step guide to eating right to optimize your health and hormone levels in my nutrition plan. Another effective strategy for enhancing testosterone (and HGH) is intermittent fasting. It helps boost testosterone by improving the expression of satiety hormones, like insulin, leptin, adiponectin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), cholecystokinin (CKK), and melanocortins, which are linked to healthy testosterone function, increased libido, and the prevention of age-induced testosterone decline."
In Summary
Maintain a proper hormonal balance by minimizing your exposure to phthalates and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals while practicing a healthy lifestyle. Be sure to use phthalate-free products packaged in phthalate-free containers (like Barberry Coast Shave Co. products). If you think you may be suffering from low testosterone levels, but not low enough to warrant testosterone therapy, try raising your levels naturally with exercise and nutritional supplements.
Sources and Further Reading:
Research proves chemicals affect reproduction.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism August 14, 2014
WebMD August 14, 2014: Common Chemicals May Lower Testosterone Levels
WISH Institute: Low Testosterone
Plastics that May Be Harmful to Children and Reproductive Health
Personal care product use predicts urinary concentrations of some phthalates Does Saw Palmetto Increase Testosterone?
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Phthalates Fact Sheet