Bitcoin Anyone?
Posted by Allen Crawley on

Over 1 Million people are now making purchases with Bitcoin.
What's Bitcoin?
Also known as cryptocurrency, it's basically digital currency. A type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.
The growth of cryptocurrency and it's gaining credibility are such that companies like Microsoft, NewEgg, Virgin, Overstock, Tesla, Netflix and many others are now accepting Bitcoin as alternative payment for their products and services.
We are pleased to announce that Barberry Coast Shave Co. now accepts Bitcoin here at!
Now, if you don't own any Bitcoin, don't care about Bitcoin or never foresee yourself using Bitcoin in the future then this news doesn't mean much to you. You can still make purchases on our website using traditional payment methods.
We just want to make it as easy as possible for people by offering as many payment options as we can.
If you have Bitcoin to spend, please consider visiting our SHOP and be our first cryptocurrency customer.
More information about Bitcoin can be found at